Next steps for the Site

So I have had my students have a small play with the website to see if they can access the content and help find any bugs or areas they think should be reworked. This was an interesting process and although I have designed the site to be a 3 click max experience, I still found students might need the site to be less scroll orientated. This presents some issues for me around the amount of content I have and how to get it into a more functional format, but it has made me look at how I can use HTML to add the features I want. Which in itself is a fun learning experience, recently I figured out how to use a carousel and have started looked at other more advanced (to me) functions.

After this experience I know I need to look at forming a team to help get the build up to scratch. My next area for work is also around the content and creation. I have tried to make as much content as I can but because of this I feel it is potentially limiting the experience that could be given. I would hate to waste this website due to inferior resources so have decided the best way around this is to form a resource group who would be willing to create and critique the content that will go into the site. This I find is especially important as I need the content for this site to be original as to not step on any toes, and also meet the needs of the students who will be working on this. Talking with James Hopkins the other day was a great starting point and I found our discussion helped raise a few ideas that I need to continue to look at. He asked about the use of a multi modal approach to the design, which I think is good but again could limit the experience as my ideas around resources were to have an open style resource which could be repeated with a number of self chosen texts.

So any way I will put it out to the teaching public. If anyone wants to help create content based on asTTle console language and levels or would be willing to lend their wisdom in terms of critiquing please contact me at

I am still in the process of figuring out how I will run such events but potentially looking at a monthly meeting online and a shared drive file. If you want to see what I have created please check out the prototype website below and flick me any questions you may have.


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