Linking back to my previous post about PB4L procedures,  I was really impressed by how some schools were really reaching out in different ways to get student voice across. I am deeply passionate about letting my students have a say in how our class is run and the culture we create in order to learn.

One big thing I took home from the meeting was the use of Flipgrids. This programme is not cheap for schools on a budget and although it has more potential than my version, I wanted to see if I could do something similar with a free resource. Using Padlet I have managed to get my kids to link in videos of themselves talking about their bully free tips and tricks. I found all students were really engaged in this task and I can now use this as a rewindable learning opportunity.

Taking this further under the Learn, Create, Share, Model I could have my students create their videos using stop motion, or  animation tools. This would work especially well if I wanted my students to have the opportunity to stay anonymous, and still express their student voice.

I also found that videos will play within Padlet if you download then upload your videos, rather than pasting in the link.

Have a look at the Padlet, below and please let me know what you think.

Made with Padlet


  1. Thanks for taking the time to make connections between the various professional learning strands you participate in. Do you see a difference between the approach an intermediate would take (with 2 years to effect change) compared with year 7/8 in a full primary?


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