How can blogging help you with your Communication, Public Relations and Branding as an educator and digital leader?

Blogging can be an effective way to share your professional knowledge and persona with your community and is great for recording professional growth and development however blogging platforms like blogger and wordpress are not the most accessible content creators for most of the community, as I have found through personal experience.  In terms of sharing your brand as a teacher to be effective you need to be accessing the forums that your community access. To this day that would be Instagram and Facebook. Then you would need to make sure your content is appropriate for your audience and ensure it encapsulates the brand of teacher you want to show.

I have set myself up with an Instagram page that solely focuses on my STEM development and I use this to share my creations and things that I think my students would engage with. This is part of my brand as a teacher and I make sure that I interact in a way that ensures I maintain critical thinking and a learner focused relationship.

However Instagram and Facebook are tricky and many schools do not allow this due to the age restraints involved with account creations. You also have to think about especially as a male teacher, how to stay protected and keep you and your career safe.

In terms of using these to share and promote your schools brand, blogs can be used to share your professional side and PD to parents who have questions about what you do. It can help back you up when people are confused with your new approaches or even the schools approaches to learning. You as a teacher are part of the face of the school and often will be the one who can sway peoples opinions of the school.

I think in the long run it is important to:

  1.  Use blogs as a professional tool to document PD and your learning
  2. Use Social media as a way to engage with your community, choose the one that is the easiest accessible to your community but make sure you have a seperate one for your personal use.
  3. Know the Type of educator you want to be and the messages you want to share.


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