KPMG Day 1 AsTTLe website design

This week I have been working on designing my website and sorting out the ebb and flow of the user experience. Looking at how students would use it and also how the tasks and designs can be accessed by parents and caregivers. The whole experience I have designed needs to facilitate easy access to tasks along with a multi modal design for rewindable learning.

I also found through this design that I may need to design an entire Level area first as the base test for this sight. I believe aiming at level 2 will be the starting point to begin a trial for the site. The whole process I realise will take a fair amount of work and I believe that collaborating with other teachers about the tasks they use to facilitate the learning around these Learning objectives will be an important area I will need to access in order to deliver enough content to cover all levels.

Step by step, getting closer now!


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