Ed Tech Conference

This week I was extremely fortunate to be able to attend the Edtech Conference in Sydney. As I am currently working with the Mannaiakalani innovative teachers group we were all challenged to submit our application to present and to our surprise (my surprise) we were invited to attend and present. Over two days I was able to sit with some fabulous educators and look at and reflect on my use of digital technology and especially google applications within my own teaching practice. From this event I have managed to get some great takeaways which I would like to share.


  • Geo Guesser link
  • Google Quick draw
  • Insert Learning
  • Google expeditions
  • Google earth (chrome version)
  • Google Feud
  • Google Cardboard
Along with these tools I had a great look into how to use google earth in order to create a virtual tour of your school. So me being me, I created a site to share with my school and anyone who is interested about how you could add VR into your school or class. The site is live but needs a few tweeks, My goal here is to create a VR Tour of Wesley and also get students learning into VR mode where parents can see some cool learning that has gone on in class.


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