First Post for the Year 2018!

Well my year has started with a bang! Straight into setting Chromebooks up and making sure new students are enrolled and rolled into our system. Now onto Blog creation and maintenance. Really this new ICT Admin role is full on but I am falling into place with it. I also have the opportunity this year to teach robotics. This is a new area for me and I look forward to testing myself in a new subject area.

One area of concern for this year so far has been the amount of students not turning up to school with chromebooks and also having no interest in buying one. Being a digital school this makes teaching and testing really hard, however we are looking at ways to engage with the community more about how to share these expectations before enrolment begin.

I am looking forward to being part of the Mannaiakalani Innovative Teachers group and going to Sydney to do a presentation on my inquiry. I am continuing to build the AsTTle reading website and watch this space for more information around this later in the year.

Along with this I have a Steel band festival to get my band ready for and Rock band will be starting in a week or two. Full on!

Love it though.


  1. Looks like and exciting year ahead Jacob.
    Best wishes in all you are doing.
    I am delighted to be working with you on your MIT project in 2018.



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