Week 8 Term 2 2017

I have been busy building on my idea for a website that can link to resources which are directly linked to the NZ curriculum and also E-astle console goals. The idea behind this, is that students at my school often make goals based on their Astle console results, yet as a second year teacher I struggle with finding resources, that not only engage, but are clear and linked to their goals. This was my initial reasoning behind creating this site as I wanted to increase engagement at school and at home with an easy to access resource.

However, today has changed that reasoning. Talking with Andy Crow from Critical, we discussed and managed to pull out more reasons than I could have initially expected, that underpinned why I was trying to create this. Andy forced me to think about not just my perspective but also that of other teachers who might want to use this resource.

What is the aim behind the website? Was it just resourcing, or engagement? What about teachers who already had both of these things? Will it be used to teach to the test, or are we looking at student achievement overall? Can this target student needs in a more transparent manner than is already used? What are the limits to Astle testing?

All of these questions came out of our discussion leaving me with more to ponder over how I will get this website up and running, and being used by teachers and students.


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