Week 6: DI Intensive - Website Design/HTML Practice

This week we have continued with creating sites, except instead of going down the standard basic road, I and a few others have looked at how to embed code into an image using HTML. This is great for creating easy flow sites which are attractive to look at and convenient to use.

We created our sites based around the Professional Teaching Standards. As teachers we continually collect evidence and through the sites we have created, this will link to our blog, which will contain all our linked evidence.

Although I am still in the process of creating mine, I feel once I have created a template this could be shared between my colleagues which will go forth as a digital CV.

Playing with HTML is not easy and is time consuming, but I think with continued practice this will become second nature and creating these more intricate sites will become a quick task which can be easily whipped up on a weekend.

Have a look at what I have created with the link below.


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