Maths Website

This will not be a long post as it is currently a work in progress. However aside from the flaws I have encountered I have managed to create a maths website for my class. This was the final staple learning area that I needed to create in order to have my class on a fully digital learning platform which I have complete control over. Now I have created three portals of control where I can set my maths, reading and writing tasks. It also means that all tasks are now rewindable and students will be able to access their learning at any time.

This being said I did run into some issues with resources on this one as I do not have the time (nor energy) to create a million new maths problems. I found most decent maths resources are pay to play. Especially any that really link to the NZ curriculum. I also found that some resources are available for a limited amount time each day and thus makes them hardly adequate for students who may wish to continue their practice. At the moment I do use a website but I find that the students need a change up in practice tasks.

This will be a continued exercise and hopefully I can get it into full operation by the start of next year.


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